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Spaghetti & Meatball Stoup (ala Rachael Ray)

Brrrrrr It is COLD outside which makes me crave warm comfort food all hours of the day! Problem is, comfort foods and my hips are not friends.

This morning I went to the gym, in a giant snow blizzard I might add, and was tuned into Rachael Ray while I was on the elliptical. Please hold your laughter while you ponder the fact that I watch people eat while I workout. Anyway, Rachael was making a stoup, not quite as thin as a soup but not quite as thick as a stew, which was my inspiration for this dish! It’s a different Rachael Ray recipe I found on the Food Network website. It was really a great choice because not only was it delicious & healthy but it was easy to make and satisfied the tastes of all of my family members. Sometimes when I’m home it can be difficult to find recipes that fit both my diet and the diet of some specific family members *younger sister* who refuse to eat most vegetables.

You can find the original recipe here. My version has a few healthy modifications. To cut down on fat/calories I deleted the cheese from the meatballs and instead added a few teaspoons to my dish after it was all cooked. I also used 99% fat free ground turkey meat instead of red meat and substituted whole wheat pasta for the regular pasta. Here is a link to my version of the recipe!

Here are my turkey meatballs before they went into the pan!

This is what it looked like in the pan

The final product! YUM!

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